Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Robyn Peterman


Some Were in Time (Shift Happens book 2) by Robyn Peterman


Planning my own wedding should mean I’m having the time of my life…not defending it every time I turn around. Dragons, feral Wolves and Were Cows…I mean who in the hell knew Were Cows even existed? 

All I wanna do is marry Hank, have 2.5 beautiful little Werewolf babies and live happily ever after while having sex on a very regular basis. Oh…and I still want to shoot stuff occasionally. 
Apparently no one got the memo. 

Instead of complaining about the price of flowers, cakes and the fact that my gay Vampyre BFF, Dwayne insists on wearing a dress at my nuptials, I’m locked and loaded trying to ascertain who wants my ass six feet under. With Hank at my side and some surprising allies at our disposal, we will take on the bad dudes…one bloody clusterhump of a sucktastic battle at a time.  

No one ever said the Werewolf life was going to be easy, but this week we couldn’t catch a break if it bit us in the ass…


Cherri-Anne Thoughts~

My rating = 5 GOLD WERES


You armed and ready?   


Yep. Locked and loaded.  It was all kinds of awesome.  I was a girl who was wildly in love with her mate.  HOLY WHAT THE WEREBATMAN!!!  Robyn has not only outdone herself with the sayings & humor (which I personally did not think she could do!), but this kickbutt story never had the chance to dragon & on due to the pawesomely wolftastic storyline!  And that's no bull!!  Puns fully intended!  This packed one helluva powerful story that seemed to explode right at you, time & again.  So much emotion, humor, romance, friendship, unlikely allies & enemies, twists & turns and so many more parts & pieces that are hard to even put a name to!  Of course you can’t forget all of the paranormal species and their abilities, powers as well as their own brand of logic & humor.  They all pawfectly blend together to give an already fangtastically rich storyline even more to enable the reader to submerge themselves completely into the story!  Speaking of which - Oh please don't make me laugh!  It hurts to laugh because I think I busted a rib or 2 & split my gut from laughing so much!  I read Ready to Were (book 1) then this one but I think it was too much for my poor sense of humor!  I od'd on laughter!!  But WOW!  What a way to go!  But then I was brought to great heaving, gasping-for-air sobbing that hurt any other muscles not already affected!  WOW!  No words can say how flabbergasted & devastated I felt in a couple of parts!  And I have no intention of giving you even a hint at why either.  Suffice it to say that both of those emotional extremes add further proof - as if you needed any! - at just how fangtabulous of an author Robyn is!  To have you so connected to the story & the characters that you not only laugh, cry and everything in between for them, but WITH them.  To me, I feel like I am right there with them, experiencing it almost firsthand - just need some more *ahem* one-on-one time with *cough* Hank *cough* to get it all nailed down.  Pun fully intended. *OW OW OW OOOOOOWWW!!!  Alright already!  Geez Essie, I get the point – no touchy or eyeballing your man!  I promise I won’t do it again!  But you do have to admit he is one slice of HUNKY HUNK pie!  Hell he IS the whole pie!  OW!!!*  I cannot wait for the next furrific book!  But in the meantime - Shift Happens!!




Amazon CA – http://amzn.to/1PsQc9B

Amazon US – http://amzn.to/1PsQcX5

Amazon AU – http://bit.ly/1PsQdud

Amazon UK – http://amzn.to/1PsQg9g

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1PsQi0W

B&N – http://bit.ly/1PsQihy

Kobo – http://bit.ly/1PsQiOr


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